Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Welcome to New York City!

On Saturday, June 7th eighteen scholars from across the globe will arrive to New York University to participate in the Multinational Institute of American Studies (MIAS). The 2014 Institute on U.S. Culture and Society will facilitate academic exploration through its central theme, "The Reconciliation of American Diversity with National Unity." To access the detailed program please click here.

We are very pleased to welcome such a diverse and accomplished group of scholars! To view a list of our 2014 participants, follow this link

Over the course of six weeks the scholars will embark on a number of learning experiences in New York City, Washington D.C., New Mexico, and New England. The MIAS staff greatly looks forward to meeting the fellows and facilitating their research on American studies. Please click here for MIAS staff profiles.

We will continue to update this blog with pertinent information and resources and hope that it can provide a forum for sharing experiences. 

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